Diyar e Ishq Mein Apna Maqam Paida Kar

جاوید کے نام
Javed Ke Naam

لندن میں جاوید کے ہاتھ کا لکھا پہلا خط آنے پر
On receiving his first letter in London

Apparently this poem is written for Javed (Son of Allma Iqbal), however it is equally towards all the teenagers and youngsters of Muslim Nation across the world.

Diyar e Ishq Mein Apna Maqam Paida Kar
Naya Zamana, Nayey Subha-o-Shaam Paida Kar

دیار عشق میں اپنا مقام پیدا کر
نیا زمانہ نِے صبح و شام پیدا کر

In the Region of Love , build your Entity
Create New Cosmos , New Dawns and Evenings

خدا اگر دل فطرت شناس دے تچھ کو
سکوت لالہ و گل سے کلام پیدا کر

Khuda Agar Dil-e-Fitrat Shanas Dai Tuj Ko
Sakoot-e-Lala-o-Gul Se Kalaam Paida Kar

May Allah grant you a Heart that could recognize the Nature
Generate melodies from the silence of Rose n Tulip

ﺍﭨﮭﺎ ﻧﮧ ﺷﯿﺸﮧ ﮔﺮﺍﻥِ ﻓﺮﻧﮓ ﮐﮯ ﺍﺣﺴﺎﮞ
ﺳﻔﺎﻝِ ﮨﻨﺪ ﺳﮯ ﻣﯿﻨﺎ ﻭ ﺟﺎﻡ ﭘﯿﺪﺍ ﮐﺮ

Utha Na Sheesha Garan-e-Farang Ke Ahsan
Sifal-e-Hind Sey Meena-o-Jaam Paida Kar

Don’t accept the favors from European people (Farang) and reject their tools (Glass)
Create your own weapons from the pure mud of Islamic Culture

ﻣﯿﮟ ﺷﺎﺥِ ﺗﺎﮎ ﮨﻮﮞ, ﻣﯿﺮﯼ ﻏﺰﻝ ﮨﮯ ﻣﯿﺮﺍ ﺛﻤﺮ
ﻣﺮﮮ ﺛﻤﺮ ﺳﮯ ﻣﺌﮯ ﻻﻟﮧ ﻓﺎﻡ ﭘﯿﺪﺍ ﮐﺮ

Main Shakh-e-Taak Hun, Meri Ghazal Hai Mera Samar
Mere Samar Se Mai-e-Lala Faam Paida Kar

I am like a brach of grapes, My song is my fresh fruit
Produce fresh delicious wine from my fruits.

ﻣِﺮﺍ ﻃﺮﯾﻖ ﺍﻣﯿﺮﯼ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ ﻓﻘﯿﺮﯼ ﮨﮯ
ﺧﻮﺩﯼ ﻧﮧ ﺑﯿﭻ , ﻏﺮﯾﺒﯽ ﻣﯿﮟ ﻧﺎﻡ ﭘﯿﺪﺍ ﮐﺮ

Mera Tareeq Ameeri Nahin, Faqeeri Hai
Khudi Na Baich, Ghareebi Mein Naam Paida Kar

Rich are not my inspirations rather Poors
Don’t sell yourself, Make your NAME by leaving all the desires of the world

Allama Iqbal
علامہ اقبال

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  1. Amazing deep thoughts for all categories of muslims.reflects the condition of muslims after ignoring the message of islam

  2. Can someone explain me the poetry or recommend a good book where I can get more details with literal meanings and contextual explanation.

  3. ASAK –
    This needs correction.
    Sifal-e-Hind Sey Meena-o-Jaam Paida Kar (THIS IS NOT RIGHT)

    Sifal-e-Paak Sey Meena-o-Jaam Paida Kar (this is right}

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