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Would be nice of u if you posted maulana Rumi,s kalam
Bashnavaz nay choon hikayat mee kund, Vaz judaimeha shikayat mee kund,
Kaz neestaan ta mra babareeda aund, Az nafeeram mard o zan naleeda aund
Seena khuaham sharha sharha az firaaq, Ta bigoyam sharh-e-dard-e-ishtiaq
Har kisay ko door maand az asal khawaish, Baaz javed roz gaar e wasal khawesh (Rumi, 1479).
Listen to the reed how it tells a tale, complaining of separations saying,
Ever since I was parted from the reed bed, my lament hath caused men and women to moan,
But I want a heart which is torn from the pain of separation so that I can explain the pain of yearning,
Everyone who is left far from his source wishes back the time when he was united with it (Gamard, 2000).
Bashnavaz nay choon hikayat mee kund, Vaz judaimeha shikayat mee kund,
Kaz neestaan ta mra babareeda aund, Az nafeeram mard o zan naleeda aund
Seena khuaham sharha sharha az firaaq, Ta bigoyam sharh-e-dard-e-ishtiaq
Har kisay ko door maand az asal khawaish, Baaz javed roz gaar e wasal khawesh (Rumi, 1479).
Listen to the reed how it tells a tale, complaining of separations saying,
Ever since I was parted from the reed bed, my lament hath caused men and women to moan,
But I want a heart which is torn from the pain of separation so that I can explain the pain of yearning,
Everyone who is left far from his source wishes back the time when he was united with it (Gamard, 2000).
Well done
Naatiya Kalam joh hazrat-e-Ghaus azam رضی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عنہ ne likha hai padna chahenge? With English Urdu translation. I have nearly 20 poetries translated.